Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Love scrapps

SUBJECT: Synopsis Nirmaan 2007


How often do we wake up in the middle of a night discovering spirit foaming in desires..
The desire to get back to the world of mist which suddenly seems the only place closest to heaven..
That for you my LOVE!
It’s a hollow feeling they say… it hurts but not a plague…its worse if you ask one. For all it seems eternity is staring right through you.
Desire is a far-fetch, when a divine fantasy rules your thoughts.. and the soul starts taking the burden of guilt~…..
But why the remorse?!?..i mean true they claim poets are born at teens…its just the time when this sensational torment of fascination gets the better of ones control over self-senses & even LIFE in every sense of the word!!..
Long forgotten is ‘yesterday’..and even though god permits no more than what mother earth solicits for…the earth, all of a sudden seems million light years away.. and you’re all back face to face with the guilt of making that magic feeling a part of your life..
Complicated as it may sound… one's theory on this exquisite gift of cupid is always gonna fall short of its true meaning.

EXPECTED: Complete attendance of NIRMAAN 07’



Said that however…a FAIRYTALE can never bestow an explanation on what a love-struck victim could endure to suspend the grief…
Out of tons of these fictional opinions… what comes closest to an apt guidance is ‘EXPERIENCE’. This experience my friends can put you through all your regrets and remorse.
Against most odds… we are blessed to get a chance to witness two of the most prominent love-gurus who have lived through all that we can put together from our meager lives..
SANT-ANKIT SHAH & GURU-GURTEJ SINGH CHANDOK offer to make a presence, and enlighten the love-struck ones with their experiences and nobel opinion on this never-understood idea of truth.
Spreading his idea on love…Guru Ankit Shah comes from a rich history of relationships and is now a BIG shot professional in his field.
Accompanying him, and to pump in the notion of how to attract a gender(same and opposite alike) Guru-Gurtej comes from being an engineer-turned LUV-GURU…graduating from ‘The college of luvingeering” in the field of luvology!!
Skipping the 2 hr very special workshop would not be the wisest choice by any means…
So do join in… which promises to be the most sensational & breath-taking event in the HISTORY of NIRMAAN!!

Eventhough I can't recall the exact written date of this article, I figure it was somewhere around the middle of semester 1. Some of us guys decided to step it straight up in our very first experience with the college fest, and spread the noble thought of love:D.. Another couple further decided that it made perfect sense to send it as a synopsis because it made absolutely no sense to anyone, not even me. Let the literature kill the IEEE..Ha!
Obviously the synopsis wasn't approved, but we learnt the committee read it and headed for the himalayas. Hmmm..bad one:D. Anyways it turned out, the events were supposed to be technical, and the Head of Events suggested we pour it during the cultural fest SPACE. No kidding..
We were all shattered of course, but our endeavour was bookmarked forever. NIRMAAN was cursed now( dare challenge the messengers of love ).
It's just a matter of time now I tell you, when the murderers of love realize their disastrous deals. A matter of time, when our efforts would be recognized, and the zombies in love, in their pink pyjamas would rise, and hail the gurus, who shall shower their cupid on this pathetic world and make it a better and beautiful place to live.
PS : I got this article from the earliest posts in our class community on orkut. Do go through yours. Highly recommended:). And like in most cases, it was our very own Sanket Godbole who advised me to put it up. Thanking him..

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

rOck the cave-man

Note: This blog was written in a non-drunk, still groggy condition late at night. Random, unplanned and an intended filler for I haven't updated since long. However turned out quite directional. Please excuse the errors whatsoever. And I'm serious.
An anonymous philosopher once said "idolize the crazy men in love, and you shall seek a celestial reform". Jimmy Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Steve Vai declared their frenzied philosophies to the world through their frantic actions, or their suicide notes. They were completely in Love with the essence of Music. The only difference between them and others being that..Music Loved them back. May be that's why no-one ever understood their meaning to life.
It was the 2nd day of our college fest. After a pretty decent, point non-profitable day, it was finally time for the evening jam. Boy I was waiting for this. Two bands. Fancy lasers. A huge crowd... Time to woo-hoo!
I could sense a majority around me. There was a mess of civilization everywhere. People trying to prove their wisdom and sensibilities wrong. Hey cave-man! us..aha! It's not easy to please our crowd mind you. They don't crack our skulls mad, we boo their asses off our property! Simple. They play some crazy super-rock, shoot the roof off, make us jump, fly, head-bang... doesn't matter, we still boo them away to glory. Ha! beat that cave-man!
The crowd was going crazy I could feel. In all high spirits to bang the music men to shame. Plus of course the fact that the set-up took 30 mins of our miserable life meant, the first song bloody well make it to the Oscars.
They didn't disappoint. A Goldspot, followed by a Hoobastank number. Nice. The court seemed happy, so they were good to breathe. The fame doesn't last for too long, here in SP though. They make sure of it. And hence soon enough, the warm all-open-fingers gesture, greeting 'bravo' made way for the longest, screaming 'shut the hell up!!'
The language is simple to understand when you're an entertainer. The public makes it so. These are basics. And by the looks of it, the kick off band were good with their basics. It was time to pack.
The interim void was soon coated with the 'my dept rocks' and 'your dept sucks' slogans. The cave-men were ridiculed again. Another civil war. Meanwhile, the new band armed themselves and took positions. Only a short delay. I wanted to congratulate them, but was wishing for the same post show.
The lasers slipped. Lights sunk. I almost sensed a ding! Going thrice. I felt like the undertaker's opponent!
A laser tore through the pyro and highlighted the guitarist's equipment. I was keyed-up and watched eagerly, as the lanky blue fellow slid a plectrum across his axe, with one hand. And made magic with the other on the frets. The warriors facing them were interrupted by the acquaintance to the tune. Eventhough I wasn't familiar with it, the reaction made it pretty obvious that the song was a hit. Plus it was a bollywood one, and I haven't been following too many of those these days. The band was an instant success. What followed their first profound performance was an exhibition of some really good crowd-winning stirs. Everything was going merry for them. Right songs, right music, no fumbles, no mess...Simply put..It was their day!
It's strange. Unknowingly perhaps, but some incidents trip you to fetch a thought. As the band revelled, the fluids in me declared their empire everywhere within. I could feel what the long haired, stylishly equipped fawkes were feeling that very moment. Tonight, they were all celabrities. But with a sound memory, they shall always be. I felt a hundred million pinches. A war was hooted in me. Elan! It was working!
Everyone of us fancies a blue-streak moment in our lives. As kids, each one of us wanted to be a rockstar and imagined ourselves singing, playing our favourite numbers to thousands in the dark. Flair the sky, bless the audience, make them go crazy, amongst an animated cry for your name, or your band's. I strive to feed that kid in me. Each live performance, each concert pumps up that desire in me, to ride on that void.
I love music, like most of the people around. But feeding my ears with headphones somehow doesn't appeal to my appetite for it. For this very reason perhaps, I've always dreamt of that night. The night when I'd jam right through till the sunrise, with my band, or alone, soothing millions of exhausted souls, soothing myself, from where I can see it all. No, I'm not gonna be a professional, but then I can't let my hitherto nurtured dream melt away. I realize my short-comings, unlike a few lucky ones blessed with a divine talent in music. But I plan to challenge it. Challenge the cave-man in me. My desire for it shall take it on.
A pro-ideology is always welcome in such a case. However I never sport or accept a corrupt thought against it. For instance, my heart felt for the inaugural band that night. It always does when I see a musical bunch being booed. They could've struck the right chord somewhere else, or on some other night. But then I realize the bitter fact today. That's how a band works. It's all about everything going right. Going right that night. That moment. I also figured out, that it's unpredictable nature actually adds to the flavour of the feedback. You get it right with the audience, you get a happy yell, else a middle.
Have my way, I'd love a band. A band with people I know have the same adulation for music, and the band itself. Sneak. And to be honest, my hunt for this design ain't a prospect. I've kind of worked a few notches up. My effort for this goes 2 years back, and to share, I've been assured by a few who see us 'few' playing together sometime from now. The belief has to wait. Held. Unrattled...hmmm who says it's that simple to form a band?!.. Oh but of course.. I believe them:)
I can hear the cheer..the resounding echoes in a heart-thumping rythm. I can feel a cold drop of sweat roll down my neck. The grip on my guitar is loosening. F**k this sweat! The noise gets louder as my friends and me approach the centre of the universe. Wait. Are they screaming for us?!..yes!..yes they are yes. Come on! I'm ready. Yeah! This is happening. The World is gonna listen to us tonight! It's our night. We are gOd tonight! I can feel it!.. F**k you cave-man!